clocker | System clock |
image::image_t | A 2D image |
gl::matrix4 | A 4x4 matrix for use with OpenGL |
math::matrix4 | A 4x4 matrix |
mesh3 | Triangle Mesh |
mesh3::surface | A list of triangles |
mesh3::triangle | A face in the mesh (a triangle) |
mesh3::uv2 | U, v coordinate |
mesh3::vertex3 | Vertex containing indexed information |
gl::pixel_buffer | A off screen pixel buffer |
math::quaternion | A quaternion |
rectangle< T > | Rectangle |
gl::texture | OpenGL specific texture handle |
gl::ttf | True type font renderer |
gl::ttf::eqchar | Functor used for gl::tff::glyph_hash |
gl::ttf::glyph | A glyph stored in memory |
math::vector3 | A 3-dimensional vector |
video_base | The main video surface |
video_sdl | The main SDL video surface |
video_X | The main X video surface |